How Embarrasing!

October 31, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I recently moved from Nova Scotia to Ontario.  Excited at the fact that I can again visit Port Dover on ALL Friday the 13ths.  I rushed and and I puffed to get all my gear and necessary business cards ready.  Quickly had 300 business cards made up special for the event.  A big "Thank You" for your less than 24 hour turn around btw.  Reviewed the data on the cards to be printed.  All looked GREAT!  Ok .. off to the printer they went!

I arranged to pick the business cards up the day before I was to leave for Port Dover for their usual Friday the 13th rally, get together...

I always loved to photograph as many custom work motorcyles that attended this event as I could.  Some pretty stunning stuff used to come of the gatherings!  What I would do, to let the owners know, is leave a business card on their ride.  This way if they wanted to see what I captured they had my contact information.

OK... fast forward to last evening.

Amanda!  you know who you are!  Gracefully, she informed me that my email on my business card was not reaching me and had this message attached to the return:  Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

Amanda was able to get a hold of me through my website contact info.  Good detective work Amanda!

I then went into my usual rant:  "It must be because you put 2 "n's" in Roxane".  Anyone who knows me well, knows, I will quickly correct who misspell my name.  It did not used to be a big issue pre-digital age, as now, every typo gives you an error message.  Heck, it did not even matter much if you had an error in cursive, which is also a pre-digital age circumstance!  Amanda informed me that indeed she did not put 2 "n's" in my email address as it was printed on the business cards she insisted.  I pulled a card out and immediately was quite embarrassed.

Thank you for that!

I am now sharing the proper business card information with you... 

I will now stick my head in the sand!

How Embarrasing!How Embarrasing!


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